Cat Interest Application
Thank you for considering Wyoming County SPCA for your next best friend!!
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Which cat/kitten are you interested in? Choose an animal: Candy Cane Finn Grape Gum Drop Jasper Jean Jewel Jingle Bell Latoya Lenny Penguin Plum Pumpkin Spice Risotto Shark Boy Shortcake Sonny Stuwart Susan Tammy Teddy
Are you interested in more than one cat/kitten? If so, who? *
Have you stopped in during open hours to meet the cat/kitten you are interested in?
If yes, when? If not, when will you?*
For what purpose are you adopting this pet?
Are you 18 years of age or older? * Choose one: Yes No
Are you or your spouse/co-applicant employed?
Do you rent or own your home?* Choose one: Rent Own
If you rent do you have your landlord's permission?
Landlord's Name
Landlord's Phone
Please list all other pets (cat/dog/other species) living in your home and if they are spayed/neutered:*
Ages of children who live in your home. Indicate (N/A) if no children:*
Have any of your animals recently passed away
If yes, Please explain
Will you commit to providing veterinary care for this animal if there were an accident, injury, or unexpected illness
It may take up to two months or longer for your new shelter pet and resident pets to fully adjust. Are you prepared to make the commitment and allow this much time?
Please list a reference - only 1 being a family member (Name, Phone, Relationship):*
Please list a reference - only 1 being a family member (name, phone, relationship):*
Please list current veterinarian
Current veterinarian phone number
Did you call your vet and give permission for us to contact them? If not, when will you?*
Have you ever applied for an animal here at WCSPCA before? If so, when?
Tell us a little bit more about yourself and why you feel you would be the ideal home for this pet? *